CONSTRAINTS AND KINEMATICS CONTROL Once you have created a group of objects or a set of bones you can control the objects or bones in a more realistic fashion that having to move each group. To do this is very simple. Load the Hand.bon object from the objects drawer in your IM30 directory. Now select the base of one of the fingers in object mode. This is actually a bone, but the same process applies to any set of grouped objects. Use the freeze menu item. You will see requester that gives you several options. What you can do is constrain or restrict the movement and rotation of that object in world or local coordinates. Click on the X,Y,Z buttons in the world area for the movement of the objects. Now click on the Z and Y for rotation in the world. You have told Imagine that you want the object to be able to rotate this axis in X but not be able to rotate in any other axis, also you have set the object so that no matter what you do the object will not move from its present position. Now select the Constrain menu item. This turns on the kinematics control and makes valid the constraints that you set with the freeze command. While in Object mode, NOT GROUP MODE, select the tip of the finger that you set the constraints on. Depress the M key for move, note that the whole object will turn yellow. As you drag the object around its movement will be constrained by the way in which the parent below it were frozen. As you will see on the screen the finger now acts like you might expect a finger to function. The other digits follow with the movement as opposed to having this object move independent of the other parent objects. Once you are done using the constrain function, simply click on that menu item and the check mark will be removed which deselects this function. Note also that you can use the release or release all function to eliminate the constraint data that you apply to an object. Another way of getting a good feel for this function is to play with axis only in a group, you don't need to add objects, just the axis themselves. From this point you can freeze different objects and see how the kinematics work and how you will use them in your work.